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2017-10-30 15:47     (点击: )









 “组织文化”的解释,拓展了也丰富了主流“组织文化”研究的视域。从20世纪90年代中期开始,组织人类学的视野的加入,使得研究的视域更加地广泛。组织人类学家不只是研究和分析组织文化或者是企业文化的成功方面,他们的兴趣点也转到在组织研究的过程中的文化视角研究。在这种研究中,有来有往成为重要的研究角度:“通过他们每天行为的交流,在行为后的驱动力,犹如一面镜子在他们的面前,同时他们也能更清楚地了解所在的组织”(Koot, 1995P29)。绰番诺斯(Trompenaars19941995)的研究从文化的特性转向文化意义被诠释描述的研究。


【主讲】綦晓光  教授


  剑桥大学沃尔森学院终身成员(Lifelong Member)、博士生导师;清华大学访问教授,剑桥大学—清华大学联合培养博士生导师;中国政法大学兼职(正高级)研究员、MBA中心授课教授。英国皇家物流与运输学会、国际管理学研究会、国际商务研究学会、英国管理学研究会成员,英国皇家人类学会会士(Fellow)。留英博士后,剑桥大学MBA学位。教授研究员级高级经济师;教授级高级工程师。


【主持】彭静  教授


【时间】2017112日(周四)上午 9:30-11:00






重庆大学语言认知及语言应用研究基地 主办


When:  1:00 – 3:00 pm on Thursday November 2nd2017

WhereFLC (CQU)  Room Number: 501

Language Education for Real Life

You are invited to a discussion at Chongqing University, on Thursday November 2nd, with four international educators with different backgrounds from three different continents: Asia, North America and Europe. Coordinated by Professor Xiangdong Gu, Director of the Research Centre of Language, Cognition & Language Application, and by Albert? Ka Hing Liu, Artist-in-Residence at the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures. We will explore some essential ideas related to Education and Real Life. Joining our discussion are Anthropologist, Professor Vincent Xiaoguang Qi from Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, UK, and Mr Tarun Sarkar, Instructor of English from India.


1. Professor Vincent Xiaoguang Qi, a Lifelong Member of Wolfson College at University of Cambridge, serves as a PhD Supervisor in the College. Professor Qi also serves as an Honorary Fellow of the ‘Global Social Media Impact Project’ at University College London. In China, Professor Qi is officially recognized as a Professorial Senior Economist in international business and strategic management, also a Professorial Senior Engineer in logistics engineering and supply chain science. Most recently, Professor Qi has also been invited to sit and contribute as a Marcel Mauss Chair Distinguished Professor.  www.qxguang.com

2. Professor Xiangdong Gu, a full time professor, PhD supervisor and director of the Research Center of Language, Cognition and Language Application in Chongqing University, China. She also works with Cambridge English Language Assessment, the University of Cambridge, UK as a principal academic consultant since 2012. She held her PhD from Shanghai Jiaotong University in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in 2005 and continued her study and research in the University of California Los Angeles (2005-2006) and the University of Cambridge (2011-2012) as a visiting scholar. Her main research interests integrate issues in language assessment, teacher development and foreign language educational data mining. She is leading a key research project on language assessment supported by the National Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of China [Grant No.14AYY010]. She has published about 100 journal articles and delivered over 200 keynote speeches, seminars and presentations at universities and conferences nationally and internationally. She enjoys keeping journals and her memoir over the last 50 years will soon be published by the Cam River Press of the University of Cambridge.

3. Mr Albert? Ka Hing Liu, an international artist with numerous solo and group exhibitions, and nine Artist-in-Residence fellowships in the USA, Canada, Iceland and Spain. He first visited Chongqing University in 2008 as a Visiting Artist. For 2017-18, he has also been appointed the Foreign Expert for the Department of English. www.albertkahingliu.com 

4. Mr Tarun Sarkar, a CELTA and TESOL qualified Foreign Teacher in the School of English and Foreign Language, Chongqing University, China. He is MA in ENGLISH and MBA in HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT from India. He has worked as a Language teacher and soft skills trainer in different universities and institutions and MNCs like IBM, TCS, Google, Capgemini etc.


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